Monday, September 24, 2012

Hegemony: How are we being controlled?

This video suggests our actions are being monitored in ways that we may not be aware of. But are there other more subtle ways that the culture and civic institutions dictate our behaviour? In what ways are our actions being regulated so that we conform to what is considered 'acceptable' behaviour? Hegemony is a term that is used to identify ways that society is comes together to behave in a singular way. The fact that English and French are the dominant languagesof our nation means that court proceedings are not conducted in Mandarin or Polish. If someone of Polish or Chinese background cannot master the English language, is it possible that they might not fare as well in their case? Hegemony is way more sneaky and subtle. Think of the fact that we all stop at a stop light even when no one else is at the intersection at midnight. That's hegemony.
Hegemony are the ways cultural behaviour is controlled often without us even realizing that we are being controlled.

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