Friday, December 16, 2011

United Nations - Introduction

The United Nations was established on October 24, 1945. The United Nations was the second multipurpose international organization established in the 20th century that was worldwide in scope and membership. Its predecessor, the League of Nations, was created by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919 and disbanded in 1946. Headquartered in New York City, the UN also has offices in Geneva, Vienna, and other cities. Its official languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish (Encyclopaedia Britannica).
The United Nations has developed a site specifically for students. Don't be fooled by the title (it is not as grade 3 as it sounds): UN CYBERSCHOOLBUS has a good overview of the United Nations and its functions here
Below are some introductory videos that help to give an overview of the united nations. After watching them respond to the questions at the bottom of this post.

The Founding of the United Nations
A slide show on the Basic Facts of the United Nations
What were the motivations and events that helped to found the United Nations?
To what extent does the United Nations provide equality for all member nations?
What potential good could the United Nations accomplish in the world? Has it been able to meet that potential?
What potential problems might arise because of the establishment of the United Nations? In what ways have these problems been realized?

United Nations: nifty or nasty?

The following video highlights some of the strengths and weaknesses of the United Nations.

Some Questions to think about...
Is the idea of a global government appealing or frightening?
Can an organization like this make a real difference toward peace, equality, poverty?
Different countries have different roles in the U.N. – I.E. Is the strength of the U.S.A. in international issues a good thing or more of a problem?
What does the war in Iraq tell us about the problems in international relationships?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Study Guide for Related Issue #2 Part B

For all the related posts for this unit click here
In addition to main concepts introduced in the part A of this unit you should be familiar with the following terms and concepts:
The political geography of WW1 and WW2
Successor States
Main elements of propaganda (think 5 “c’s”)
Order of events in World War One and Two
Internments camps
League of Nations
Four main causes of ultranationalism and how each of these played out in Japan, Germany and Italy prior to World War One

Happy Meal Self-Determination

What if the soft drinks decided not belong to Happy Meals any more?
Soft drinks are one third of the perfectly gross trifecta of unhealthiness that is the typical Happy Meal. What if the coke decided to seek sovereignty? Happy Meal Self-Determination by MrFreezer

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!
Once separated what would the successor state be called?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chapter 8 Self-Determination

Chapter 8 in your textbook deals with the issue of self-determination. When a people group (who identify together through ethnic, religious, language, or cultural practices) seek to establish an independent (soveriegn) they are try to achieve self-determination - the right to govern themselves.
The process of self-determination has been tricky and rarely smooth.
In the late 19th and early 20th century most of the former Empires of the world began divest (getting rid of) themselves of thier colonies. Sometimes this was because they lacked the resources to hold on to these colonies (Example: French and Dutch Empires). In other cases colonies fought fro the right to seek independence through revolution or revolt. Ghandi's pursuit of an independent India finally convinced the British Empire to release India as a colony. India and Pakistan became independent successor states (a state that emerges from a former state). Your textbook talks about several case studies that show the process of how successor states achieved sovereignty. Make sure you take notes on the following:

Your textbook also points out two cases in Canada where a people group has attempted to achive soveriengty and become an independent nation. Compare the struggle between how the Tibetan people want to have freedom with how French Canadians in Quebec and the Inuit of the Arctic have attempted to gain independence.
Do you think it is hypocritical for Canadians to call for Tibet indepedence and not let the Inuit or people in Quebec be free? Support your answer!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Swing Kids

n pre-World War II Germany, Swing music becomes the underground movement of young people. Two college students, Peter Müller (Robert Sean Leonard) and Thomas Berger (Christian Bale), attempt to be Swing Kids by night and Hitler Youth by day. The impact of this decision is felt acutely by their friends and families. Soon dancing and fun lead to more difficult choices as the Nazis begin tightening their grip on Germany. A seemingly charming but intimidating Gestapo officer, (Kenneth Branagh), ‘works’ himself into their lives. Each member of the group is forced to face some tough choices about right, wrong, and survival. This is the story of one group of Swing Kids and how Nazi rule and persuasion tore them apart and set them against each other.
Use the information in the film as a background to develop a written response on a separate sheet of paper…:
Which one of the characters do you identify with the most?_________________________________
Write a detailed comparison between the life of young adult in 1930s Germany and Today. Reflect on issues like in the idea of freedom, pressure to accept certain ideas, racism, loyalty/patriotism to one’s nation, social trends, the role of music, religion, etc.,

The Holocaust

The Holocaust is a dark stain on the world's history. The following post gives you some aspects of this event that are worth exploring...

Operation Barbarossa

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The name Adolf Hitler is synonymous with pure evil and horror. He is considered the epitome of the corruption of ultranationalistic power.
After reading page 145.
Scan the following information on his life before completing the profile on his life in your notes.

It must be noted that Hitler rose to power legally. After the failed ‘Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch’, Hitler recognizes the need to come to power via legal means and begins to plot this reality in the creation and promotion of the Nazi party (National Socialist German Worker’s Party – NSDAP). After the failed putsch, Hitler is imprisoned and it is during this time that he writes his famous book Mein Kampf (My Struggle). The Nazi’s gradually gain support through democratic elections to eventually dominate the German Reichstag (parliament) in 1932 with 196 seats. Hitler had successfully scapegoated his political enemies (especially the communists) by blaming them for the terrible conditions of post-WWI Germany, and offering a solution to the problems. President Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor on January 30 1933, and from this point on Hitler takes steps to eliminate all political opponents and secure his totalitarian dictatorship. Hitler begins to construct a Nazi state built on the fascist ideas and strategies employed by Benito Mussolini, who had come to power in Italy about ten years earlier. Hitler greatly admired Mussolini and his accomplishments. Here is a timeline of key events in Hitler securing power:
February 27, 1933 – Reichstag Fire: the Reichstag building (German Parliament) is destroyed. Hitler blames it on the communists and rallies support against them. Nazi’s claim to be the only party strong and powerful enough to stop such reckless acts against Germany.
February 28, 1933 – Emergency Decrees: President Hindenburg which suspends civil liberties. Remember Hitler is the Chancellor.
March, 1933 – German Election: Nazi’s control media and intimidate opponents in election campaign. The Nazi slogan is “The Battle Against Marxism”. Nazi’s win 44% of the vote.
March 13. 1933 – New Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda established: Joseph Goebbels appointed as its head.
March 24, 1933 – Enabling Act ‘Law for Ending the Suffering of the German People’: gives emergency powers to the government (controlled by the Nazi’s) for four years. Also said that Cabinet (essentially controlled by the Chancellor Hitler) could pass decrees without Presidential involvement. This act passed 441 to 94 because of Nazi intimidation.
May 1933 – Destruction of all trade unions and arrest of their leaders.
June 10, 1933 – Employment Law: major public works and employment scheme to rebuild economy
July 14, 1933 – Law against the formation of new political parties.
October 14, 1933 – Reichstag dissolved for new elections
November 12, 1933 – Nazi Candidates win 92% of the vote to completely dominate Reichstag.
January 1934 – Law for the Reconstruction of the State: elected assemblies throughout Germany dissolved and Reich governors created to run local and regional governments – centralization of political power in Berlin.
June 30, 1934 – Night of the Long Knives: SS shoot many SA leaders and other seen as a threat. Hitler purges his own party of any potential threats. This also appeases the German Army, who are worried about the power of the SA (the Nazi military and secret police), and now pledge allegiance to Hitler himself.
August 2, 1934 – Hindenburg dies: Hitler appoints himself President and becomes ‘head of state’ as well. This is approved overwhelmingly in a plebiscite – people are no too scared to oppose Hitler. Hitler takes on the name the ‘Fuhrer’ or the ‘Leader”.
September, 1935 – Nuremburg Race Laws: deprive Jews of their citizenship as Germans and begin the path towards the ‘Final Solution’ of eliminating all ‘undesriables’ from German territories and from Eastern Europe. Allows for the open discrimination of Jews.
November 1938 – Kristallnacht (the Night of the Broken Glass): a wave of attacks on Jews throughout Germany.
the following is a series of videos chronicling Hitler's life. These video were created by the BBC so German's strangely have a British accent but they are fairly accurate nonetheless.


Propaganda takes conspiracy to the next level.
The most important aspect of propaganada is that it presents information and ideas in an exclusively one-sided manner.

Propaganada is used for many varied reasons. Here are the main ones:
The role of media is critical in making propaganda effective. Media serve a vital function since media is perceived as source of authority in people's lives. The more we depend on various forms of media the more vulnerable we are to potential propaganda that might be conveyed in the media. It becomes important to evaluate how media is trying to influence the way we understand our world.
The following video shows how Hitler used media to generate a positive and powerful image of himself through the use of the medium of movies.
When evaluating a piece of propaganda it is important to conside the following aspects that make it effective.
Theodore Giesel (a.k.a Dr. Seuss) was caught up in the American propaganda machine and devoted his cartoon skills to producing mostly anti-Japanese propaganda in the form of politcal cartoons. Here are some examples of his work.
This next one Giesel later suggested was the most damaging cartoon he produced. What was the main message that he was trying to communicate?
Giesel later had a change of heart and regretted producing such damaging material. He went on to author books like Horton Hears a Who (dedicated to Japanese friend) and the Sneetches. These were attempts for him to expose and make ammends for his own hateful approach to propaganda.

Propaganda was used heavily in WW2 and is creditted with creating the conditions that lead to some of the worst horrors of this global war.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hero of War - Rise Against

Watch the following video and read the comments which were taken (and editted) from the original video posting. In the comments section write your personal response to the video. Make sure you begin your response with a strong thesis statement as described in class...

Various Comments about –RISE AGAINST – HERO OF WAR:
Arayin1 the song is good but the video makes me upset

autari345 all those those people need to go there all out to    kill us 

Jaredman68 @CoolWat3r79182 yea you are correct!

YoungBloodIsBack Humans, we'll become the new cockroaches, we'll be able to survive economical disasters, and we're no better than rats, we'll be the ones who have ****'d it all up. We'll be looked upon by our grandsons and grandaughters as barbarians, just like how we have looked upon the humans of our past. The sad thing is that, we KNOW what we are doing wrong. 

greyvulc This song also can go for any country you live in, aside from the US flag around 0:25, but that's because it's based off of that.
Stop arguing and respect those killed in warfare in the thousands of years of history. 

corkamis hey all you **** *** mother *****rs *****en about us being over there,talkin *** about them talkin s**t about war ok maybe we shouldnt be in iraq anymore granted but there supose to be getting out of there some time this summer so stop ****en as for afghanistan we should be over there doin what werre doin they drew first blood dumb ***es did you not watch or here of 9/11
by the way if you want peace prepare for war god bless the troops 

akiadan You don't have to support the *** **** mission. But for *** sake' Support the people who enlisted to protect their families. But ended up ripping others apart. Don't trash the soldier, all he can do is do what he thinks is right. Whether if its from a false truth or not. That is all he can do. 

Momo4Life95 Wow .. I love the way they all have a message in     their songs .. And so true and it's happening all around us and sometimes were not aware of. Rise Against .. EVERYTHING ..2 hours ago
War is still just as stupid. There is no point. It will never solve anything, It will just **** more people off and cause more pain     and suffering. And yes, people are stupid for starting wars. 

OakRaiders420 @ArmyAirborne68w Tell me what your reasons for being in Iraq are? What exactly do you do? It's not a war. It's bullying a smaller country.  the thing you call a war is nothing buy you guys sitting over their and being nothing more than the police. I take care of my family, I didn't even have a youtube account till I saw your dumb *** comment and decided to make 1. I'm actually going to school to be a firefighter, to take care of actual people in our country and not someone Else's. Read a history book and you'll find out what a real war is. Like I said you are nothing without your gun.

OakRaiders420 I would never fight for this corrupt *** government...Unless the fight came to us. All we do is bully the smaller countries. I'm not down for that. I'd rather stay here and care for my family. What are you going to do when you get out of the Army? Still bully people? Shoot an M16? Are you actually doing anything over there? Besides getting more of         our people killed? 

ArmyAirborne68w @OakRaiders420 Heres one for ya....take a    step back, realize how big a piece of **** you are, and then....**** yourself. You obviously have a bias opinion which you get from being a ****. We don't suffer from that problem. You call sitting on youtube disgracing us soldiers taking care of your family? HAHAHA 

OakRaiders420 @WargoDsssss what exactly did they do? They went over and bullied another country. Yeah I       remember.  Your going to end up like that fool in the              end of the video. Ruin your life for a government that doesn't gives two **** about you. Way to go....  lol  dont act tough because you just learned how to use a gun. Put it away and you aint ****, just like the saying goes, "without my gun I am nothing".      This song is dogging you fools in the war, so don't act like your doing something good. My brother is in Iraq right now, and all  he does is sit around and play on his computer. It's a B.S. war, from a corrupt government. And your proud of that?? lol
TommyPish @armyranger418 Props to all you guys out there! Although this attitude that ur showing right now is what attracts haters and lazy **** who do nothing but sit infront of their computer screens dreaming about going out there into the           world and actually do some good.but they're way to lazy and scared to actually do it. So again, love all you guys out there you have my support and probably most everyone else as   well. Peace! 

ad402 @littlebud66 I think the song is meant to suggest that    war, at least the one in Iraq, is a tragedy for all involved, soldiers and Iraqis....the fighting isn't keeping anyone safe5 hours ago

 ad402 @armyranger418 isn't the point of the song that     those who serve are victims as much as the Iraqis are? Shouldn't you be angrier at the politicians...? 

4gottonlove very true i think what most people say is disrespectful. im thinking about joining the army but i am australian and our army is apparently *****.  we do not even get proper body armour we get a helmet that can get easily penetrated by a bullet :( 

nicholasterry  war is stupid but the people who still fight 4 us r  amazing people that all people should thank 

CyanideSour @armyranger418 Have you ever heard of punctuation? 
CyanideSour @nicholasterry War is not stupid.  People are stupid. 

TehCheezeWeeze @spartan1171997  Yes you are right about not criticizing anyone who has never experienced war. But stop..... MWF2 isn't war..... 

TheEvilAngel999 @livetodie1994 Well, then we should also  boycott the medical field coz we don't want the overpopulation of human race in the world......  

TehCheezeWeeze Thank god for the United States Military. And my heart goes      out to each and everyone one of you that is/has serve/served our fine country! 

MrMsZel @spartan1171997 I really don´t think war is for anyone. Many people can´t choose, in some countries war is a part of their everyday life. 

MrMsZel I think the song don´t take sides. War is horrible for     all people invovled. Most people all around the world only want to have food, water, education, a place to live and they want to feel safe. 9-11 just brought the war to the civil people in America. In many other countries civilians die every day. Only very desperate people filled with hatred will kill themself with a suicide bomb. And fear only leads to more wars. 

spartan1171997 army rangers right,war is for the tough so if you havent actually been in the **** u should not criticise thouhghs who have 

americanpie781 @CityOfPhere i dont distrust you, i just have seen pretty obnoxious people on youtube. anyways im not hating on the military because you are the reason no one screws with our country. But heres some food for thought... if they were to come to our country, they would be ridiculed by us and our ideas. the man who planned 9-11 went to a college in the us and was bullied. history has a way of repeating itself, and this problem is only at the tip of the iceberg. we need to stop. 

HEYYiKNOWyouu I love this song so much! It made me cry, because my best friend wants to go to war, and my uncle is already there. This song really hit home, and even thought its sad, if your really listen to it, but it speaks the truth louder then the news can. 

freshfun222 This video shows how much the milatary is a part of a community but i much rather they millatary be more seroius because of what they do to prisoners 

iceher5 @magicmushrooms69 that quote is kind of wrong people who want to go to war or people who dont no one likes it but they do it for the greater good of their family and country my cousins in the army he hates it but does it for his family and country