Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chapter 8 Self-Determination

Chapter 8 in your textbook deals with the issue of self-determination. When a people group (who identify together through ethnic, religious, language, or cultural practices) seek to establish an independent (soveriegn) they are try to achieve self-determination - the right to govern themselves.
The process of self-determination has been tricky and rarely smooth.
In the late 19th and early 20th century most of the former Empires of the world began divest (getting rid of) themselves of thier colonies. Sometimes this was because they lacked the resources to hold on to these colonies (Example: French and Dutch Empires). In other cases colonies fought fro the right to seek independence through revolution or revolt. Ghandi's pursuit of an independent India finally convinced the British Empire to release India as a colony. India and Pakistan became independent successor states (a state that emerges from a former state). Your textbook talks about several case studies that show the process of how successor states achieved sovereignty. Make sure you take notes on the following:

Your textbook also points out two cases in Canada where a people group has attempted to achive soveriengty and become an independent nation. Compare the struggle between how the Tibetan people want to have freedom with how French Canadians in Quebec and the Inuit of the Arctic have attempted to gain independence.
Do you think it is hypocritical for Canadians to call for Tibet indepedence and not let the Inuit or people in Quebec be free? Support your answer!

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