Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The name Adolf Hitler is synonymous with pure evil and horror. He is considered the epitome of the corruption of ultranationalistic power.
After reading page 145.
Scan the following information on his life before completing the profile on his life in your notes.

It must be noted that Hitler rose to power legally. After the failed ‘Munich (Beer Hall) Putsch’, Hitler recognizes the need to come to power via legal means and begins to plot this reality in the creation and promotion of the Nazi party (National Socialist German Worker’s Party – NSDAP). After the failed putsch, Hitler is imprisoned and it is during this time that he writes his famous book Mein Kampf (My Struggle). The Nazi’s gradually gain support through democratic elections to eventually dominate the German Reichstag (parliament) in 1932 with 196 seats. Hitler had successfully scapegoated his political enemies (especially the communists) by blaming them for the terrible conditions of post-WWI Germany, and offering a solution to the problems. President Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor on January 30 1933, and from this point on Hitler takes steps to eliminate all political opponents and secure his totalitarian dictatorship. Hitler begins to construct a Nazi state built on the fascist ideas and strategies employed by Benito Mussolini, who had come to power in Italy about ten years earlier. Hitler greatly admired Mussolini and his accomplishments. Here is a timeline of key events in Hitler securing power:
February 27, 1933 – Reichstag Fire: the Reichstag building (German Parliament) is destroyed. Hitler blames it on the communists and rallies support against them. Nazi’s claim to be the only party strong and powerful enough to stop such reckless acts against Germany.
February 28, 1933 – Emergency Decrees: President Hindenburg which suspends civil liberties. Remember Hitler is the Chancellor.
March, 1933 – German Election: Nazi’s control media and intimidate opponents in election campaign. The Nazi slogan is “The Battle Against Marxism”. Nazi’s win 44% of the vote.
March 13. 1933 – New Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda established: Joseph Goebbels appointed as its head.
March 24, 1933 – Enabling Act ‘Law for Ending the Suffering of the German People’: gives emergency powers to the government (controlled by the Nazi’s) for four years. Also said that Cabinet (essentially controlled by the Chancellor Hitler) could pass decrees without Presidential involvement. This act passed 441 to 94 because of Nazi intimidation.
May 1933 – Destruction of all trade unions and arrest of their leaders.
June 10, 1933 – Employment Law: major public works and employment scheme to rebuild economy
July 14, 1933 – Law against the formation of new political parties.
October 14, 1933 – Reichstag dissolved for new elections
November 12, 1933 – Nazi Candidates win 92% of the vote to completely dominate Reichstag.
January 1934 – Law for the Reconstruction of the State: elected assemblies throughout Germany dissolved and Reich governors created to run local and regional governments – centralization of political power in Berlin.
June 30, 1934 – Night of the Long Knives: SS shoot many SA leaders and other seen as a threat. Hitler purges his own party of any potential threats. This also appeases the German Army, who are worried about the power of the SA (the Nazi military and secret police), and now pledge allegiance to Hitler himself.
August 2, 1934 – Hindenburg dies: Hitler appoints himself President and becomes ‘head of state’ as well. This is approved overwhelmingly in a plebiscite – people are no too scared to oppose Hitler. Hitler takes on the name the ‘Fuhrer’ or the ‘Leader”.
September, 1935 – Nuremburg Race Laws: deprive Jews of their citizenship as Germans and begin the path towards the ‘Final Solution’ of eliminating all ‘undesriables’ from German territories and from Eastern Europe. Allows for the open discrimination of Jews.
November 1938 – Kristallnacht (the Night of the Broken Glass): a wave of attacks on Jews throughout Germany.
the following is a series of videos chronicling Hitler's life. These video were created by the BBC so German's strangely have a British accent but they are fairly accurate nonetheless.

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