Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Propaganda takes conspiracy to the next level.
The most important aspect of propaganada is that it presents information and ideas in an exclusively one-sided manner.

Propaganada is used for many varied reasons. Here are the main ones:
The role of media is critical in making propaganda effective. Media serve a vital function since media is perceived as source of authority in people's lives. The more we depend on various forms of media the more vulnerable we are to potential propaganda that might be conveyed in the media. It becomes important to evaluate how media is trying to influence the way we understand our world.
The following video shows how Hitler used media to generate a positive and powerful image of himself through the use of the medium of movies.
When evaluating a piece of propaganda it is important to conside the following aspects that make it effective.
Theodore Giesel (a.k.a Dr. Seuss) was caught up in the American propaganda machine and devoted his cartoon skills to producing mostly anti-Japanese propaganda in the form of politcal cartoons. Here are some examples of his work.
This next one Giesel later suggested was the most damaging cartoon he produced. What was the main message that he was trying to communicate?
Giesel later had a change of heart and regretted producing such damaging material. He went on to author books like Horton Hears a Who (dedicated to Japanese friend) and the Sneetches. These were attempts for him to expose and make ammends for his own hateful approach to propaganda.

Propaganda was used heavily in WW2 and is creditted with creating the conditions that lead to some of the worst horrors of this global war.

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