Thursday, April 16, 2015

RISK WW1 Simulation

Here is how to set up a regular Risk Board to use as modified WW1 simulation:
THE PLAYERS:B= British Empire (red)
F= French Empire (blue)
R= Russian Empire (green)
U= USA (yellow)
G= German Empire (black)
TA= Triple Alliance Members (Italy, Austria-Hungary, & later Turkey) = this team will be the remaining colour left (depends on your board)
Use the following guide to set up your initial configuration of armies according to which force you have decided to represent.
RULES:· Object is to control as much of the world (especially Europe) as possible by the end of the class.
· Everyone starts with 20 soldiers. Every turn you will receive three new players (these players can be placed on any of your territories. We will NOT be using cards or territory counting for extra men.
· On your turn you may either transfer troops (to one of your neighbouring countries, or an ally if they’ll allow it). OR you may attack a neighbouring country (with either of these choices, at least ONE man MUST be left behind). OR you make choice to not move or attack.
· If you are the USA, you are not allowed to move any forces for 2 turns. On that turn you may move a maximum of 15 men (from a single country) to Scandinavia.
· Countries unoccupied will remain unoccupied.
· No Genocide!! You can not completely annihilate any single player. (once down to one country… hands off!)
· We have created new lines. One is between Quebec and England, and the other is between Western Canada and China
What alliances developed if any? Did players honor these alliances?
Did you think about the individual lives that were at stake in each move or were you mostly interested in the strategies needed to win your objectives?
If you were to play again would your strategy be different?
In the end was a balance of power between contending forces achieved or when certain players got an advantage did the other players gang up on them?
Compare how your game went with the dynamics of World War 1.

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