Thursday, April 16, 2015

Arctic Sovereignty

An overview of the contending countries due to main issues surrounding Arctic Sovereignty.

Russia's First Move
Check out this news story identifying the bold move Russia took to claim parts of the Arctic Ocean - and the initial response from the affected countries.
Canada's Response?
Rick Mercer identifies the irony of Canada's position on increased surveillance of its Arctic region by purchasing fighter planes that have been prescribed by USA.
For review:
Key terms
Sovereignty, National Interest and Foreign Policy
Question: What do you think the appropriate response Canada should take on this issue?
Of the following factors which one do you think should be the most important in making decisions about the arctic region? (Rank these in order of importance)
Use your textbook pages 119-121 for more information on this issue

Oil and Gas Reserves
Environmental Concerns
Well-being of the Wildlife
Aboriginal Land Claims
Transportation routes
National security